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tv   KPIX 5 News at 6pm  CBS  July 19, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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east palo alto, of course, has a reputation for gang violence and murders but it's also surrounded by the biggest names in tech and that's changing the housing market and also the lifestyle here. >> in every aspect of our living we'll be pushed down and pushed out. >> reporter: if there is a face to the other side of the wealth generated by the bay area's booming tech economy, sonia spencer may be it. >> i feel a bleak future for my daughter, my son, who will be forced to compete with individuals who's already acquired what they need to have. we're struggling to get and stay above sea level. >> reporter: spencer has lived in east palo alto for her entire life. she's watched the tech industry boom all around her and with it fears that she is going to have to eventually move out of her hometown. >> there's a lot of good in
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technology, a lot of good, a lot of good. but as we grow, we lose. we lose families, neighborhoods, cities to companies. >> reporter: east palo alto is no different than many other bay area cities with bidding wars on properties and homes selling at above asking price. investors also swooped in during the housing bust when east palo alto saw more than its share of foreclosures. >> the council has really indicated that they wanted a mixed income community. >> reporter: the east palo alto planning manager says the city is doing everything it can to prevent market forces from driving out residents but even affordable housing providers have big challenges. >> they are finding that they are competing with very high net worth individuals or partners that make the provisioning of affordability particularly difficulty in this
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area. >> reporter: spencer has seen the rent on her two-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment jump from $865 a month to $1,300 a month in just the past few years. >> everything goes up. but unfortunately, salaries don't follow everything else. >> reporter: now, east palo alto does have a rent control ordinance and recently did something unique deciding to reduce the requirements for lot sizes for second units on the same property so if you want to build, say, a guest house or second house on the property there needs to be less land for that. the goal is to increase the housing stock to keep the prices down to try to accommodate all different income stratas here as the tech industry drives real estate through the roof. back to you. >> mark, you know, the story you mentioned affordable housing. how is that specifically defined? >> reporter: that's defined based on the median income in the county and in san mateo county that median income is
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over 1$00,000. so 80% of that puts you at $84,000 for a family of 4. that's the target range they are looking at with some of these housing developments about $84,000 for a family. that's a high number especially when you compare what it would be like elsewhere in the country. big numbers here. >> absolutely. thank you. the price for rent is rising all over the bay area. we sent ryan takeo out to scout the best deals. surprisingly, he found some affordable rentals. >> reporter: before i tell you where this condo is, i'll tell you its positives. three beds, two baths, 1,000 square feet and the price to rent is $1,395 a month. that's a good deal. >> pretty good deal. it's getting more and more difficult to find properties for $1,395. >> reporter: john is a property manager and has been in the business four decades. >> what's reasonable a couple of years ago is probably ten to twenty percent higher now and
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whether that's reasonable or not i don't know but the rents are just no end in sight. >> reporter: san francisco led the nation with a 7-plus percent rent raise after the 2nd quarter. oakland and san jose were also in the top five nationally. in the bay area it's tough to achieve what experts suggest, a family of four living comfortably and using one quarter of their budget could only spend less than $1,700 on housing. on top of that is how quick the rentals go. he knows about that personally. his own son who is studying to be a real estate broker himself cannot get an apartment in san francisco. they are going too quickly. >> it's rare. you will find something on craigslist and we'll send an application right as we see it and we'll be in competition with 10 other applications. >> reporter: it's not just in the city. this condo in concord was rented in just three days. >> sometimes they don't even last 12 hours, sometimes a couple of days. but for the most part, stuff is going right away. >> reporter: but the first one we showed you is still on the market. 42 miles from san francisco, in
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pittsburg. ryan takeo, kpix 5. >> rental agents say besides pittsburg and antioch, the hayward area is a good bet for affordable housing, as well. this just in. negotiations between bart and its unions have apparently been put off for more than a week. union negotiators now say the talks are over for the next 10 days. that announcement comes after a day when both sides were in the same building but apparently not the same room. bart's chief negotiator is laying part of the blame at her counterpart's feet. >> for the chief negotiator for the district to be gone for 10 days of the 15 days that the parties have available before the deadline is a serious, serious problem. >> earlier today, a bart spokesman said his agency is ready to negotiate a fair contract and all sides signed off on a five-day absence by bart chief negotiator 's absent ahead of time. tests at millbrae high
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school are being tossed out due to so-called seating irregularities. the college board and educational testing service says mills high school didn't follow procedure when giving the exams in may. and that may have given some students an unfair advantage. the school wants the school board to reinstate the test scores. the chinese consulate is demanding answers after the release of coroner's report on one of the victims of asiana flight 214. 16-year-old ye meng yuan is one of three passengers killed in the crash at sfo. we're now learning she survived the impact. kpix 5's linda yee on the devastating news that per parents received about her death. >> reporter: the parents of the crash victim attended a tearful memorial for their daughter. now their tragedy is compounded with news of the coroner's findings. she survived the crash but was killed when a fire rescue rig hit her. >> cause of death of the asiana flight 214 passenger ye meng
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yuan is listed as multiple blunt injuries that are consistent with being run over by a motor vehicle. those injuries she received, she was alive at the time. >> reporter: it was the rescue crew's worst fear since they discovered her body on the tarmac near the wreckage of the plane. >> this is very difficult news for us. we're heartbroken. we are in the business of saving lives. everyone is very emotional from this incident and continues to --and getting the news yesterday has made it difficult even more difficult. >> reporter: it's still not known how she ended up on the tarmac by the wing of the plane. san francisco police are reconstructing a scene in their ongoing investigation. >> she was not standing up. she was on the ground when our rig made contact with her, a rig or possibly two. that hasn't been determined either. >> reporter: the chief does not expect disciplinary action against the driver or drivers of the rescue rigs.
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she calls it a tragic accident. but in a statement from the chinese consulate in san francisco, chinese officials are urging investigators to deal properly with the aftermath of ye meng yuan's death and investigate and affix responsibility for the tragic accident. the chief says she has reached out to the family. >> to not only express our condolences and apologies but to also offer, if they're willing and interested, in sitting down with them so we can have a face-to-face meeting. that has not taken place. >> reporter: the chinese consulate here in san francisco has been the center where a lot of the victims and families have come for support and needs including the parents of ye meng yuan. allen? >> linda, they have -- obviously there's one driver who feels horribly responsible if they may not even know they did it and then the chinese
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consulate wants justice. how do they balance that? will there be criminal charges? >> reporter: well, the chief was asked that question today. she says i am not a legal expert. but keep in mine that there is still a san francisco police department investigation. they are trying to set up -- restructure this whole thing, see what happened. no one is saying right now there's going to be any legal action or at least criminal action. and it's hard to imagine because these people -- this was an accident. these people are out there, it was chaotic that day. so it's anybody's guess right now. i think it won't happen. >> it would have been more than one truck, too. thank you, linda yee. believe it or not, asiana airlines did not retire that number -- flight number 214 so another asiana flight number 214 had to make a go-around at sfo this afternoon. it's the same maneuver pilots did try to make two weeks ago seconds before flight 214 crashed. not clear why this latest
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flight from seoul couldn't land on the first approach. pilots can initiate go around for any number of reasons. bay area headlines, firefighters say too much junk likely caused a fire to spread quickly through this san francisco home. you can see the boxes piled to the ceiling in the garage. the house caught fire in the ingleside heights neighborhood around noon. everyone escaped but the family pet is still missing. chopper 5 over concord this morning where a contractor hit a gas line. it line along concord avenue near meridian park boulevard. they finished rebears 2:30 this afternoon. -- repairs about 2:30 this afternoon. an off-duty alameda county sheriff's deputy was in the bonfair market on high street last night when two men held the place up. the deputies shot and killed one man. but the other get away. a hospital called police to report a man with gunshot
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wounds and a story that didn't add up shortly after the shooting. a violent robbery raising safety concerns on the san jose state campus. police say three women pistol- whipped a man on campus before stealing his laptop. that victim is expected to recover. police will be looking at campus surveillance video to try to get a better description of the suspects. a rally is getting under way now in downtown oakland in response to last week's acquittal of george zimmerman. people are planning to march to the fruitvale bart station. oakland police say they are better prepared tonight than they were for protests over the weekend. one city councilman says vandalism and violence will not be tolerated. >> i think police will be ready and prepared to deal with the situation. if you act a fool in the protest whether you want to break windows, do bodily harm, you will be arrested and put in jail. >> so far three suspected
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vandals involved in previous protests have been charge. that's pretty gutsy. the guy who took it, i mean, i don't know what he is thinking. >> a stolen bay area transit bus driven all the way to the central valley. how the driver pulled it off and how police finally stopped him. >> after a year-long appear sense how the return of a popular event going on right now is music to the ears of bay area businesses. >> sunshine and temperatures running above normal. that's your friday. it will continue for a little bit longer. but we're taking away the sunshine and the warmer-than-normal weather. find out when coming up. >> why financial experts say it's in your own best interests to stop spoiling your kids and grandkids. ,,,,,, announcer: right now at sleep train,
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announcer: save hundreds on beautyrest and posturepedic. choose $300 in free gifts with tempur-pedic. even choose 48 months interest-free financing on the new tempur-choice. the triple choice sale ends soon at sleep train.
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the central valley this mor. problem is... it was stolen. and the man behind the wheel an ac transit bus made an express run from san francisco to the central valley this morning. the problem is it was stolen.
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the man behind the wheel wasn't going to stop for anyone. it started about 9:30 this morning. he stole the bus from san francisco's transbay terminal. two hours later the chp stopped it outside oakdale by putting down spike strips. da lin shows us why taking one of those big buses is not all that difficult, da. >> reporter: allen, not very difficult unlike cars buses don't have keys. so apparently the suspects knew which button to push not only to open the bus but to start the engine of the bus and he was on the run for about an hour and a half. bus drivers say stealing a bus is not hard. >> you just press the button and start the bus right up. >> reporter: what is hard is getting away with it. >> that's pretty gutsy. the guy who took it, i mean, i don't know what he was thinking, but, you know, you can't get far with that bus, you know. >> reporter: a gps in the ac transit bus helped the chp
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track it down. the driver led officers on a 20- minute chase. they stopped the bus by using spike strips to flatten the tires. officers arrested a san francisco man, 29-year-old justin moss. ac transit officials say this was a standby bus parked at the transbay terminal. >> i have been here eight years and i can't recall that ever happening at least in that period of time. >> reporter: and muni officials say they have never had their buses stolen. the bus drivers say they are not surprised. >> being that there's not very much security as far as locking the bus, we don't have keys to the bus. >> reporter: ac transit doesn't think the suspect is a former driver for them. but they think he has some training. >> it's not quite like operating an airplane. but there are some procedure things you have to go through. >> i feel it was somebody who had previous knowledge with how to operate a commercial vehicle because you don't just get into one of these large buses and start driving around. >> reporter: the bus is back in the bay area. the suspect is locked up at the san joaquin county jail and is facing several felony charges. and allen, investigators still
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don't know why he stole that bus. >> da, ac transit are they going to start locking these things up or changes? >> reporter: no because they said it doesn't happen often. so they don't have plans to revisit security. >> let's hope it doesn't happen more often. da lin, thank you. a popular san jose event is back for one night only. music in the park has returned after a one-year hiatus. len ramirez is live in downtown san jose with what's different about tonight's concert. len. >> reporter: well, music in the park is definitely back here in downtown san jose. you can hear the music now. everybody is having a good time. it's sounding good. but there are some big changes. the biggest one is that no one gets in for free anymore. >> reporter: music in the park is making a comeback on its 25th anniversary. it's a special one-time only concert featuring a latin rock band.
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>> hopefully we have stumbled upon a new model to allow us to bring back music in the park for another 25 years. >> reporter: that new model means the concerts are no longer free. $10 preshow and $15 day of show. it's also moved from the plaza park in the middle of downtown to st. james park on the fringe. >> less impact on the businesses, but we have more impact on some of the residents that live around the park so that's something that we're going to be evaluating. >> reporter: the event peaked in 2010 when 83,000 people attended the 13 concert series with an estimated $2.4 million impact on the city. area restaurants are gearing up and getting ready for what may be a very good night with several thousand concert-goers coming into downtown. music in the park coming back is a great thing. it brings many people to san jose. and i know us here at the farmers union are excited hoping for a little boost for ourselves and all other local businesses. >> reporter: the rebirth is great for a new restaurant farmers union that just opened last night. >> it's a wonderful coincidence.
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>> reporter: the sound is bouncing after the building here in downtown san jose definitely music to the ears of the local restaurants. tomorrow there will be a blues festival in the same spot. so in san jose at least, let the music play on. reporting live, len ramirez, kpix 5. music for len's ears? you can lose the tie, it's friday. your weekend has begun, len. start it right there. >> what a perfect day. >> it's friday. >> we have earned it this week. >> we have. >> what a nice stretch of weather. >> gorgeous. >> this has been great. just about every other part of the country has too much heat, too much this, too much rain, tropical issues. for us, no, just put on some sunscreen and enjoy lots of afternoon sunshine and i can't even say the word. lots of afternoon sunshine in san jose in the south bay. ukaih was warm today 103 degrees, livermore 94. gilroy 85. san jose 80. forgot the degree symbol there but you get the point oakland at 73 and san francisco warmest
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day of the week 67 degrees. so many of your friends and family back east would beg and plead for a night like what we have out here in the summertime where it's warm during the day and cools off at night. the low in boston tonight will be about 80. the low in miami will be 85. for san francisco, 55. oakland 56. good sleeping weather in fremont down to 54 degrees overnight tonight. tropical moisture and clouds and thunderstorms down in arizona. typically not a big deal for us but that moisture some of the cloud cover will work up from old mexico and arizona all the way up into our neck of the woods over the next several days so tomorrow much like today above average 90s inland, 70s near the bay. then low pressure begins to approach the coastline on sunday. you will notice a change on sunday a little cooler. some of that cloud cover will work its way up from southern california and the top of next week will be markedly cloudier. monday and tuesday more clouds than sunshine. not a huge change but something to talk about. highs tomorrow once again in that comfort zone. san jose 83. san francisco 67.
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we are looking at 91 for concord. wine country 87. santa rose 84. mountain view 78. weather perfection again. couple of degrees cooler on sunday. cooler still on monday. highs around 90 inland and mid- 70s near the bay midweek next week. i'm looking for a reason from deviation from normal and i'm having a tough time fining it. this is good stuff. >> that's okay, though. >> that's just fine. >> we can deal with normal. >> no deviation. >> big word. still ahead, they take up space meant for muni. how those shuttles that take workers from san francisco to silicon valley might be forced to learn a lesson in sharing. >> are you saving enough money for retirement? chances are you're not. the new options to consider to make sure you don't go broke. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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[ female announcer ] for the freshest produce, you want to be close to the people who are close to the land. [ rooster crows ] that's why safeway works closely with local growers. the folks whose hands are in the soil. planting and nurturing the kind of delicious produce that gets delivered to safeway every single day. fresh from our farmers. this week, fresh local sweet corn from g&s farms is just 8 for two dollars. at safeway, ingredients for life. ♪ number of americans are get nervous about how they'll
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finance those years without paycheck. ve on the retirement sounds good but americans are nervous about how they are going to finance those years without a paycheck. sue kwon live on the consumerwatch in rossmoor with the reality check and not like the check is in the mail. different kind of check. >> reporter: a big reality check. i'm in the media room it's quiet there's a party going on and a theater nearby here in rossmoor and the reason why we came here is we wanted to hear from the experts on how not to die poor. stanley turned 84 today. he retired from retail at 62 with enough money to enjoy the good life at the rossmoor retirement community. he says his kids' generation needs to stop complaining about not having enough to retire and do something about it. >> you can't really cry that things were bad when i was growing up. >> reporter: stanley planned his savings on a budget and stuck with it. these days, that may not be
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enough. financial planner stephanie lee is not surprised to hear half of the working population believes they will outlive their retirement savings. >> now we get six or seven jobs, none of them have pensions. so we're stuck. we're living longer because we are healthier and have better medicine and stuff >> reporter: to be safe in economic times there are new options to consider that may have never crossed your mind. if you are able-bodied work longer. even a few extra years at the peak of your earning level will help. hold off on collecting social security. you get an 8% year every year you delay for the rest of your life. downsize your home. share your car with a spouse. >> you can save easily $300 per month easily depending on the car between the cost of the car, the insurance, the maintenance, and then on top of that, the lost income from having paid for the car. >> reporter: perhaps the hardest change of all, stop spoiling the kids and grandkids. >> it's like that where you are told on the airplane, put on
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your oxygen mask first before putting on your child's because if you are struggling, you can't help your child. what i have seen is parents -- >> reporter: whether you are about to retire or years away? >> sit down, decide where you are, where you would like to see where you would like to be and fill in the gap. >> reporter: a wealth management firm came up with the study that said half of people will run out of money before they die. people do a lot here and pay little, clubs, entertainment, movie night here. it's all about being active and having friendships that don't cost a lot. mom and dad have to stop buying legos and little extra expenses for the grandkids, they add up. >> that's tough to do. really is. >> the younger we are, the more
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we think we can put this stuff off and the older we get it's like oh, it's too late. is there a perfect time to really start doing this? >> reporter: no, it is never too late. the key is when you start, you want to adjust every couple of years because the cost of living and inflation can move that target slightly. it's always best to at least have a plan started now. >> sue kwon in rossmoor. thanks. coming up in our next half hour, easing the overcrowding at bay area bus stops. >> turning around. stop. stand. i can't move anymore. >> how private commuter shuttles and muni are moving forward to live in harmony. >> a new round of evacuations as this wildfire rages closer to california homes. why the forecast is causing even more concern. >> and the mystery is solved. tonight we know why these fake drone signs are popping up around the bay area. ,,,,,,,,,, [ male announcer ] at montrose pet hospital,
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anarchy meets order. working with at&t, doctors set up a broadband solution to handle data and a mobility app to stay connected with their business. so they can run the office... even when they're not in the office. where do you want to take your business? call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪ can help you do what you do... even better. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. mmmhmmm...everybody knows that. well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller? your word is...cow. cow. cow. c...o...w...
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...e...i...e...i...o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. we've made major advancements in reducing the incidents of broken bones in seniors. we've received recognition for getting hypertension under control for over 80% of our members. we've made significant advances in asthma, immunization and maternity care. and j.d. power and associates ranked us highest in member satisfaction among health plans in california. we're focusing on the big things so you can enjoy the little things. kaiser permanente. thrive. now at 6:30: they take up space meant for muni. but sn those private commuter shuttles, might be forced to >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald. i called three 101 and complained to the city. >> they take up space meant for
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muni. it is a daily pain for san francisco commuters. you get to your muni bus stop and find one of those big luxurious private shuttles hogging the road double parking delaying your ride to work. there may be a solution. ken bastida is live with mobile5 with the plan muni wants to put to the test. >> reporter: we are here at frederick and stanyan in the haight. let me show you video that we shot a few minutes ago. it's one of those big luxury shuttle buses that you were talking about just a minute ago. these are operated, you know, for google, for facebook, for genentech employees and they pick up people all around in the morning and then take them to work and bring them back in the afternoon. hey, it's a great perk you know? nobody is going to argue that. muni says new are going to use our bus stops you have to start paying for it. >> reporter: we have all heard the complaints about the magical mystery tour. >> as a result had turning
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around the corner. can't move anymore. >> reporter: private shuttles often unmarked packed with techies and parking in zones designated for you guessed it public buses. >> i call 311 complain to city. >> reporter: now a bit of order is coming to the wild west. >> we really feel like this is a good first step. >> reporter: every. >> reporter: muni wants to test a solution and see if it works. the plan an 18-month pilot study that involves sharing. >> the pilot is to create a network of 100 to 200 muni stops that meets specific criteria that would be able to be shared between muni and these private commuter shuttles. >> reporter: part of the proposal, no more mysteries. >> we would be asking shuttles to share data with us. we would want to know where are they going, what their schedule is, which stops they would be intending to use out of this network. >> reporter: private shuttles
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will also have to display identifying placards on the front and the rear. >> we would have an easy way to follow through on concerns and inquiries. >> reporter: and they will also have to pay. >> really covering the costs that we would incur to establish and run the program. >> reporter: so how big a problem is this? there are over two dozen companies right now running these private shuttles around san francisco occupying about 200 muni bus stops and that's just san francisco. this is going on in alameda county in marin county, contra costa county, as well and yeah, there's one a couple of blocks downright now it's going to -- actually right here he is going to turn the corner in just a minute and let off some employees from silicon valley who have had a free ride up here to the city. they haven't worked out all the rules just yet. but they say it's going to cost these companies a couple of bucks and they expect to have a plan implemented sometime next year. reporting live from the haight, i'm ken bastida, kpix 5. >> okay, thanks. developing news right now
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minute by minute flames from a massive wildfire are edging closer to resort towns in southern california. black smoke covers more than 39 charred square miles in the san jacinto mountains. 7 homes have already gone up in flames. since monday the fire is only 15% contained. there are new evacuations tonight. thousands in pine cove and idyllwild are being asked to pack up and leave. melanie woodrow is there with the new concerns for firefighters. reporter: a thick haze of smoke and embers covered idyllwild. most homes and businesses are closed. but there is one open door at the red kettle restaurant. >> someone has to feed the firefighters, law enforcement. >> reporter: you guys from what i can tell are the only ones open? >> yeah, the only ones. >> reporter: there's a mandatory evacuation in place but no one is being forced to leave. the few people who are still here tell me, they are not going anywhere until they see
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flames over the ridge. more than 3300 firefighters and nearly 3 dozen air tankers and helicopters are scrambling to keep the fire from crossing the mountain ridge. the last one between the blaze and the town. >> you look up there you can see a lot of aircraft that's trying to secure this area because it is a hot area next to a community. >> reporter: the most active parts of the fire are burning near idyllwild, huge plumes of smoke visible as far away as palm springs. officials believe the wildfire that destroyed at least 7 home was manmade but they are unclear if it was started intentionally or by accident. they hope to get the upper hand with better weather. >> we are hope the humidity makes cooler temperatures so it's not so dry and the fuels can retain some moisture so it's not just a tinderbox ready to go. >> reporter: the fire is threatening more than 4,000 homes but firefighters fear that number could grow. melanie woodrow for cbs news, idyllwild, california. >> deputies are warning more
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communities to get ready for possible evacuation orders as firefighters grow concerned about winds shifting the flames toward nearby towns. they are well made. and they're fake. but where do they come from? tonight we know why these drone signs are popping up in the bay area. >> i was listening last night. really what's that? >> 44 years ago when the first men walked on the moon, why a bay area rocket scientist held his breath while everyone else celebrated. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,
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announcer: announcer: you're on the right track to save big during sleep train's triple choice sale.
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for a limited time, you can choose to save hundreds on beautyrest and posturepedic mattress sets. or choose $300 in free gifts with sleep train's most popular tempur-pedic mattresses. you can even choose 48 months interest-free financing on the new tempur-choice with head-to-toe customization. the triple choice sale ends soon at sleep train! ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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bay area. like on highway 37. those signs ar we showed you last night these drone signs are popping up in places around the bay area like on highway 37. those signs are fake, of course. but they certainly look real. >> it's a black and white reflective sign just like the signs that we use on the side of the road for speed limits and everything else. >> the chp reminds drivers it definitely does not have drones. but the bigger mystery was who made these things? well, we found him. he is an artist who lives in the north bay. >> we just finished talking with him. here's the artist in his own words. >> i went to a sign shop. i cut the aluminum myself. i figured out the font. >> just like the signs that we use on the side of the road. >> a sign that really looks like something that caltrans would have made. >> did it professionally.
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>> i wanted that kind of look. >> the first officer who saw this on highway 37 did a double- take. >> what the hell is going on here? the genesis of this idea was just seeing the signs that say, speed enforced by aircraft and thinking about the absurdity of that idea. what are they going to do, strafe us? but there's a really serious side to this. you know? i think we all have to be aware of, what's going on with the nsa and with all the snooping in the internet and on the phones. i think the drones really tie into that. >> along with not having drones, we definitely do not have any drones that would fire any type of weaponry. >> fire a missile, yeah. [ laughter ] >> that was a little bit of an added touch, i have to admit that i -- i did it for the graphic quality. [ laughter ] >> and that's more of the joke part of it. you know. >> but it is illegal to post any sign that resembles and official traffic sign. >> i don't know what the consequences will be.
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uhm, i just felt like it was something i needed to do. plus, well, it has brought some excitement into my life. [ laughter ] >> a, he's good artist. b, we know his political point of view. what happens next? we don't know. steven doesn't know. so stay tuned. there's going to be more, you know it. something we do know, 44 years ago we looked up at the sky and saw history. >> great relief when they landed on the moon. >> on the eve of the 44th anniversary of the landing on the moon, how a bay area rocket scientist played a stellar role in that mission. >> something else we often know this time of year is that at the golden gate in july you will see low cloud cover and fog working its way back in again. but find out when all of us even inland will go cloudy. i'll let you know coming up. i'm kim coyle. coming up in sports, tiger woods brought his short game to scotland. but is he in position to end his major drought?
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>> last five holes they got baked out pretty good. >> hear how tim lincecum celebrated his no-hitter. >> i don't see a cast on his arm. >> have a nice trip. see you next fall. sports is coming up next. ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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the apollo 11 mission. "one small step for man... one g leap for mankind". 44 years ago tomorrow, astronaut neil armstrong called the apollo 11 mission one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. tonight, a look back with two bay area rocket scientists, one who was there for the historic space flight and another who was inspired by it. >> tranquility base here. the eagle has landed. >> reporter: when the eagle landed in the moon's sea of tranquility, al was holding his breath. >> great relief when they landed on moon. neil armstrong's first words, something like houston, tranquility base, the eagle last handed. >> reporter: back when the slide rule was the only kind of calculator al was a rocket scientist for nasa. holding their breath along with him 530 million people watching
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on live tell that july 20, 1969. >> one giant leap for mankind. >> reporter: coon was responsible for the propulsion system on the apollo 11 lunar module and his blood pressure was rising when it was time for the astronauts to hit one button and make three things happen simultaneously. >> the slow boost that holds the stages together gets separated explosively. all the wires, cables and oxygen tubes in two stages get cut with a knife like a guillotine and three most important the engine had to ignite and lift off. >> reporter: one of those watching, manny, a student at stanford at the time who would later work on nasa's pioneer venus project. >> i realize the astronauts have one chance and one chance only. otherwise, they die. it was you fail that one chance, you're dead. >> reporter: al and manny never worked at nasa together but now 78 and 81 years old
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respectively they find themselves living in retirement at the moll dar residences in palo alto. they realize that for a younger generation, walking on the moon really is hard to believe. >> anyone who was not around at the time probably just does not realize what an incredible achievement for mankind and for the united states in particular that was. when you look at the moon, i looked at it last night, i thought, we really walked there? i know we did. but it's so remot, ancient history. >> the moon walk wasn't just a michael jackson move. as for man's future in space, he says we have lost our way. the emphasis should still be on manned space travel even though it's risky and very expensive. tonight actually in some parts of the bay area might be a perfect night to look at the moon. it's going to be so clear and gorgeous. >> it's going to be gorgeous. weather is going to be fine. before the moon comes up we'll have a great sunset because of
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the smoke from the wildfires. the moon will be out for many of you. look at the great clear sky we have from our dublin cam looking back toward mount diablo. 90s inland today and we'll do that again tomorrow. as is often the case with all the microclimates it's not sunny everywhere. the golden gate is spot number one when it comes to cloud cover because that's the biggest opening for that marine layer to work its way inland. it's also got a really nice bridge. concord 89, livermore 88, san francisco with marine layer inland 67 the high but down to 61 now. right in between we have san jose and santa rosa at a very comfortable 75 degrees. the traffic on i-80 is thick right now. everybody is heading to tahoe enjoying summertime. watch out for a few late day thunderstorms tomorrow. sunshine to start on sunday but a better chance of late day storms as people head back toward the bay area. upper 80s for highs. so warm and humid in lake tahoe. maybe you're heading to wine country. we have so many options around here. sunny warm tomorrow for sonoma. high of 86. mainly sunny skies, a little cloudier cooler on sunday with
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the high of 82. so there's a couple of things we just talked about between saturday and sunday for sonoma. cooler and cloudier. both will happen for all of us. both will find their origins in arizona. a lot of clouds and tropical moisture. its their monsoon season. some of that moisture will move into southern california and southern nevada tomorrow but our weather will stay the same. hot inland with highs in the 90s and near the bay comfortable in the mid-70s with morning clouds and afternoon sunshine. sunday the onshore flow increases and this low pressure area will act like a magnet and draw up some of that tropical moisture. i do not expect any rainfall but i expect that it's going to be cloudy on monday and tuesday dragging down temperatures, as well. so we'll have a cooling trend after tomorrow. we are going to be cloudy for the top of next week, too. so the cooldown starts monday, cloudy monday and tuesday. then rainfall, zero. when i say zero, no rain in
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july likely. livermore tomorrow 94. san jose average which is nice mid-80s. milpitas 81. union city 76. san mateo 74 with afternoon sunshine. concord will hit 91. you did 92 today. fairfield 95. pleasant hill 92. san rafael 82 degrees. petaluma 83. san francisco another nice day 67 with afternoon sunshine. ukaih triple digits today you will do triple digits again tomorrow. then we start cooling down on sunday. sunny and cooler. monday and tuesday cloudier with zero rainfall and toward the middle of next week, that sunshine is back and every day of the next seven will be close to normal. and that's a happy place to be this time of year. which golfers are happy after the british open today? we have sports coming up next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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i don't know what i was thinking when i picked my pick for the british open. i should have talked to you first. >> i know. i'm going to tell you what happened once we get into the anchor picks. but things were a little firmer and faster today which made it pour difficult. tiger woods' major drought is nothing compared to that of miguel angel jimenez but the 49- year-old is in position to finally breakthrough and win his first-ever major title this weekend. in case you missed it, tiger woods teed off at 1:45 this
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morning. he had three birdies and three bogies for tiger. on the tenth he drains foreputt to save par. tiger shoots an even 71. he is just one shot off the lead after a 69 yesterday. phil mickelson four putts on 16 for a double bogey. he finished his day at one-over and four shots back. rory mcilroy can't get out of the bunker or 16. we have all been there. rory shoots a 75 and is 12-over for the tournament. >> round one leader zach johnson fell off the pace with a 75 and is now tied for 6th. but everyone is chasing jimenez who has 71 at 3-under. he takes a one-stroke lead into the weekend. at 49 years old, jimenez is looking to become golf's oldest major champion. four are within a stroke including tiger woods. let's check in on our experts. paul is looking strong with lee westwood.
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tied for second. the same can't be said for liz who took rory mcilroy who didn't even make the cut at 12-over. allen and phil mickelson are still in contention. it could have been -- >> lefty. >> right here. >> bad influence. >> highest points win, right? >> that's right. >> what game is that? a little celebrity golf in tahoe. a beautiful day on the south shore. he knows something about clutch shooting and nails this one on his way to putt. ray romano, hm, not as clutch from downtown. flicking one off the iron. steph curry can do no wrong. he nails the putt for a different kind of three. he is in fourth place in the tournament with 22 points. the leader is former redskins quarterback mark [ indiscernible ] when the giants host the first place diamondbacks tonight they will begin the second half of the season eight game under .500 but with a
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little momentum thanks to timmy. >> the split -- high in the air, and catchable! blanco pitches a no hitter for tim lincecum. >> saturday in san diego lincecum became the 7th pitcher in san francisco giants history to throw a no-hitter despite going 5-9 with a 4.26 e.r.a. in the first half. he expects a second half turnaround. >> i had my time to, you know, enjoy it and celebrate it with my family and friends. so the time is passed and it's time to move on. you know, get ready for my next start. >> it took him 148 pitches to get it done. >> i'm just glad i don't see a cast on his arm. [ laughter ] >> he said sunday he felt great because i was kidding with him about maybe helping out and just give us one inning. he says, yeah i can do it. >> right field, and he dives, he's got it. >> i wish i could describe
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coolness in a merit valley but it's not possible. it was extremely special. one of the most amazing things i have been a part of. he was absolutely phenomenal. i mean, those moments you can't replace them. you know, anyone who was watching the game, anyone who was there can tell you how exciting it is like every, single pitch every, single out is a lot of special moments in there and it was fun. the 49ers have added another veteran cornerback to the roster. today they traded a conditional pick for former riordan star eric wright who started ten games for tampa bay last season recording 39 tackles, one interception and a fumble recovery. wright was arrested last week in los angeles on a dui charge. >> oh, boy. >> think maybe you were thinking of putt-putt. >> maybe. or the higher the score the better. captions by: caption colorado aren't you sweet!
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>> announcer: a roommate caught in the middle. >> and they got into a full-blown argument, to the point where she was hiding in the bathroom and he broke down the bathroom door. >> judge judy: did that happen? >> yeah. >> announcer: but the more things change... >> i decided to leave. he decided to kick her out that night. >> announcer: ...the more they stay the same. >> judge judy: the two of you are blissfully back together again, i assume. is that right? >> correct. >> judge judy: correct. well, not blissfully for her. you should look at her face. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. the people are real. the cases are real. the people are real. the cases are real. the rulings are final. captions paid for by cbs television distribution 20-year-old rochelle wilson is suing her ex-roommate, 23-year-old andre holiday, for selling her property without her permission. >> byrd: order! all rise! your honor, this is case number


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